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Real-time Music Symposium

octobre 1, 2014 - octobre 2, 2014

INEDIT is the official partner of the First Symposium on Real-time Music which will be held in Strasbourg and during the MUSICA Festival. The symposium gathers major composers such as Philippe Manoury, Yan Maresz along younger generations such as Andrea Agostini, and Eric Maestri; major researchers such as Gérard Berry (College de France), Miller Puckette (UCSD); Computer Music Designers such as Tom Mays and Serge Lemouton; and INEDIT artists and researchers Arshia Cont, José Echeveste (IRCAM), Yann Orlarey (GRAME) and Julia Blondeau (Composer/IRCAM).

Du 1 octobre 2014 au 2 octobre 2014
De 09h00 à 18h30
Collège doctoral européen, 46 blvd de la Victoire, 67000 Strasbourg, Tram C/E/F arrêt Observatoire
     Organize by Marta GRABOCZ (membre du GREAM) and Philippe MANOURY, with support from GREAM and INEDIT Project. Program : Programme_du_Colloque_Musique_en_temps_reel.pdf  (28 ko)


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MUSICA Festival
Collège doctoral européen, 46 blvd de la Victoire
Strasbourg, 67000 France
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